Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Awakened for God’s Purpose: Will You Partner With Him?

You’re running for your life in the dark, with no place of refuge in sight.

You try to scream, but no sound breaks through.


And you feel your perpetrator swiftly closing in …

Have you ever experienced panic from a nightmare like this? If so, I don’t have to describe the long season we have been in. You know our suffering—our global suffering.

Most of us suddenly wake up from such a nightmare short of breath. Fright takes hold of us, shaking us as though the dream were reality. It takes a few moments to realize it was just a dream, but with that grateful realization, we are usually able to go back to sleep. But the true reality of our present nightmare demands a different response. By God’s design, we cannot go back to sleep. He has awakened us for a purpose.

Globally, humanity has been subjected to tyrannical evil. Human trafficking, radical immigrant migration, promotion of violence and anarchy, release of convicted criminals, bioweaponry of the pandemic, administration of untested vaccines using humanity as the largest test lab ever, mandatory lockdowns, closure of businesses, loss of livelihood and loss of precious human lives. Awareness of any one of these atrocities is enough to enrage decent people to become engaged and bring a halt to such evil. So, it seems the plan of the enemy was to overwhelm us with all these wicked schemes together to immobilize us with fear and intimidation.

This is not the first time in the history of humanity that such widescale evil has infiltrated every aspect of society while God’s people are ignorant at best, compliant, even complicit, at worst.

Read the rest of this article at, and be sure to listen to Faith to Live By on Charisma Podcast Network where each week I seek to help us discern the times and know how God would have us respond so His kingdom will is done on earth as it is in heaven. {eoa}

Pamela Christian is an award-winning author, speaker and media host. The ordained international minister holds an honorary doctorate of divinity from HSBN International School of Ministry and is certified in apologetics from Biola University. She is a member of the Bethel Leaders Network and hosts the podcast, Faith to Live By, on the Charisma Podcast Network. To learn more, visit

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