Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Avoid This One Critical Mistake to Advance in Your Calling

“Where do we go from here?”

The question has become a hot topic for many leaders, teachers, pastors, business owners and people from all walks of life.

Most are struggling in the aftermath of our recent traumatic societal upheavals in the realms of politics, health, church, affecting families, businesses and individuals. Is it just too much?

In the aftermath, many plans have been scrapped or scrambled and people are searching for firm footing to know how to live, work and move forward in this new time.

Whatever your situation, I find that when you need clarity, this is the time to go back to the calling of God on your life. What has the Lord spoken over you? Called you to do? Who has He called you to be as a son or daughter of God?

God has not been caught off guard. He saw all this coming. He is faithful to empower you to fulfill the call.

Take a breath and remember the things you set out to do when you answered His call.

It’s mission-critical to reconnect with your calling from God.

The mistake most people make is to rush in to put things together in their own strength. This never works for long. To refuse to reconnect is to reject the anointing and power God offers to fulfill the calling.

Your calling is still good, even though the route may need to be updated. He has new things for you to consider in order to move forward that weren’t possible before.

Stay in the dialogue with the Lord. He is ready to unfold some answers to your questions and provide all that you need to move forward—from right here—this very moment.

We know Moses had serious doubts about being able to fulfill God’s call on his life to deliver the Israelites from 400 years of oppression. Big calls provoke big questions! Quaking in his sandals, Moses protested to God:

— “What if they don’t believe me?”

— “I’m not a speaker!”

— “Choose someone else!”

Yet, over 40 miracles were performed through Moses in the time that followed his reluctant agreement to fulfill the call. From the healing of leprosy to the opening of a path through the Red Sea, from raining down quail to feed the hungry to bread falling from heaven for dinner, from bringing water from a rock to stopping a plague, the list trails on testifying to God’s goodness and empowerment for the mission.

Moses was worried in the beginning about being believed, about being able to speak with courage.

Consider God’s response to Moses’ objections in Exodus 4:11-12. I love how the Lord spoke, reminding Moses that God created his mouth in the first place.

“Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you must say” (Ex. 4:12).

When God called Moses to the mission of delivering the Israelites, God’s power was present to fulfill the call.

Is anything less available to you today as you regroup, find your footing and sign up again for that call God has extended to you? Your calling comes with empowerment to walk it out. This is true for the God-ordained lawyer, teacher, entrepreneur, blogger, preacher, trainer, coach, CEO and coffee barista.

“The eager expectation of the creation waits for the appearance of the sons of God” (Rom. 8:19).

Your time of revealing has come. Sign up again with the Lord to march in His power to fulfill your call and just let the world get a glimpse of the God-called man or woman who says yes and steps in with the empowerment of God.

Listen to the following episodes of The Linda Fields Show on the Charisma Podcast Network for practical and mind-blowing ideas to move forward in your calling with God’s empowerment:

How to Reboot Your Dreams With a Fresh Surge of Power From God.

The Crises of 2020 Call for Christian Biz People to Tap Into Divine Revelation.

Advance in Your Purpose.{eoa}

Read articles like this one and other Spirit-led content in our new platform, CHARISMA PLUS.

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