Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Are Some Christians Sending the Wrong Message About President Trump?

I have a concern. Although there are legitimate Trump supporters who have an authentic call to champion what God is doing through this president, I see many who have blindly jumped on a bandwagon and made it their mission to lift this man so high that he can do no wrong.

Hear me out. I am a solid Trump supporter and believe he has been prepared by the Lord to lead this nation. Regardless of his sordid past, I believe he has had a change of heart in recent years and desires to do good and honor God (as he knows it). The opposition he has faced is extreme because of the Lord’s favor on him and his mission to defeat the globalists, communists, socialists and every other group that wants to rid our nation of God and our sovereign republic.

Although I may sometimes disagree with his methods, I will continue to defend his cause and rally for his reelection.

What I don’t support is the growing adoration and veneration of his person. In an effort to champion his leadership, I see memes posted on social media that make Trump look like some sort of god. I see other posts that either mock or ridicule those who don’t support him, often with a twisted humor that looks more heathen than Christian. I wonder what we are becoming known for. I believe people’s hearts may be in the right place, but I fear we are sending the wrong message.

We are supposed to be preaching Christ crucified, not Trump sanctified.

Please understand, I have personally posted numerous articles encouraging people to support President Trump and will continue to do so. But if I start to post more about him than about my higher call to honor Christ and build His kingdom, I’m missing the mark. If I become known for being a Trump supporter more than being an ambassador of the King, my call has been compromised and my focus has become blurry.

Yes, our nation is in a governmental crisis, and it is critical to see President Trump finish what God has started through him by serving another term. But in the end, it’s not about him. He is not the goal, and he is not the final answer. There are kingdom purposes being served, and I pray our testimony reveals a higher call.

In the end, it won’t be our memes or our red hats that will win people over. It is only Jesus glorified. {eoa}

Wanda Alger is a field correspondent with Intercessors for America. She ministers with her husband in Winchester, Virginia. Follow her blog at

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