Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Adie: ‘Just You and Me’


Three years ago Adie released her debut album, Don’t Wait. With her sophomore release, Just You and Me, she offers a collection of worshipful songs that she says is more “organic and raw.”

“This year I’m truly learning what it is to seek the Lord with all my heart and sitting at His feet without things being a distraction to me, hence the title of the album, Just You and Me,” Adie says. “I want to grow so much more and learn what it is to really worship Him in Spirit and truth.”

Adie, who is married to singer Jeremy Camp, shares her thoughts on life, motherhood and her new album. (Click here to purchase Just You and Me.)

Q: How was recording Just You and Me different from your debut, Don’t Wait?

A: It’s been about three years since I recorded Don’t Wait; I feel like I’ve grown so much since then. I think the Lord has settled my heart a ton but also given me lots of direction in my life.
Musically, Jeremy was very involved in Don’t Wait, and this time, I ventured out on my own a bit, which was fun to kind of surprise him with it. I also wrote a lot of the songs on Don’t Wait, and this time I wasn’t involved much on that end, and it was more about choosing songs that had ministered or meant something to me.

Q: What is your favorite song on the album and why?

A: That’s actually a tough question. Like I said before, many of these songs I chose to record really ministered to me, and so there are quite a few that compete with each other when it comes to which one speaks more to me. I led worship for about a year and I loved singing “Only You.” It was one of those songs that for me, took me right to the heart of the Lord and being able to forget everything around me, which is also where the title of the album came from, Just You and Me. “Shelter” deeply ministered to me when our little baby went to heaven. It speaks about needing the Lord and knowing that He hears me and that He’s my shelter and comfort in the storm.

Q: How is this album a representation of who you are?

A: I hope it represents my heart for the Lord. I long to walk closely with Him and I want to always be growing. For me these songs took me to a place of deeper worship of Him, and my hope is that it’ll do the same for those who hear it. When we get closer to Him, our lives and hearts will be changed. It’s the glorious exchange!

Q: What is it like being a mom to two girls?

A: I absolutely love it. It’s very entertaining, sometimes dramatic, but always very special. They dress themselves (weather and morally appropriate of course), which is a fun surprise every morning. They have taught me so much, and I’m still growing a lot too.

Q: You shared about having a miscarriage during the recording process, what do you want to share about that to encourage others who have had a miscarriage?

A: The incredible faithfulness and depth of God’s love. I truly cannot emphasize enough how I felt so close to Him in that time. I had been praying last year that the Lord would show me what it was to truly sit and be at His feet and to truly know what it was to press into Him and be intimate with Him. Even though it’s been a tough trial to go through, I can honestly say it’s one of those hard, but beautiful things that God has used in my life to show me the depth of His character and His love for me. I know that His plans are good and we can’t be taken by surprise when we face trials as believers, but to truly know that His Word can be taken seriously. He is all that He says He is. He is our rock, our comfort, our help, and He is near those who are broken-hearted. I couldn’t be happier knowing that our baby is in the arms of my precious Savior, and we look forward to the day we get to see them both face to face.

Q: Are you excited to go out on the road again and open for Jeremy?

A: I have to laugh; I’m totally nervous! I love being on the road, but the thought of singing again intimidates me a bit. I know it’ll be fine though. The truth is, I’ve actually done it so much that I know it will kick back in again.

Q: You are homeschooling the girls. How do you balance everything?

A: Yes! We really love homeschool. It’s taken me by surprise how much I love it. I never imagined myself being a homeschool mom, but it is awesome! It actually works out great on the road. It gives us something to do. I use a great curriculum that’s very interactive. We usually have school in the morning, eat lunch and then “quiet/nap time” is when I do interviews or work on other stuff. It keeps us busy! I sleep very well.

Q: Any other thoughts you want others to know?

A: I’m so passionate about healthy marriages and raising our children in the Lord. I long to see us as Christians and the church to deeply love the Lord, be grounded in the Bible and be active in reaching out to our community.

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