Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

6 Ways to Show Christ Some Love on Valentine’s Day

Here's how to show Jesus some love on Valentine's Day.

For many, Valentine’s Day is a day to spend showering a significant other with affection and gifts. A lovely dinner, pretty flowers, jewelry and cards are all examples of presents one may receive on Valentine’s Day, but none of them compare to the ultimate gift given to us by God when He sent His only Son to die for our sins.

As you celebrate Valentine’s Day with the one you love, it is important to keep Christ in your heart and in your mind. Donald Cyprian, Founder and CEO of Instant Christ™, a Christian and faith-based social media platform, recommends the following six ways to show Christ the love this Valentine’s Day:

1. Make Christ your first love – God commands us to love Him above anyone else. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Matt. 22:37) When you make Christ your first love, you put Him first before everyone and everything. On Valentine’s Day, you can put God first by putting Him at the forefront of all you do. Do you remember the way you desired to please your significant other when you first met? How eager you were to make them smile?

Approach your relationship with Christ in the same manner; strive to make Christ your first love.

2. Love thy neighbor – Loving thy neighbor means more than simply being kind to those who live next door. “Thy neighbor” can be anyone and there are many ways to show love. For example, you can pray for them. Praying for those around us is a great start to loving thy neighbor. Make an extra effort to pray for someone who may not necessarily be your favorite person, do not let hatred harden your heart. This Valentine’s Day, forgive those who have wronged you by praying to the Lord that they may receive many blessings.

3. Spend Time with God – Oftentimes we are so busy that we do not get to spend alone time with God. This Valentine’s Day, be mindful to slow down the pace of your day and make room for the Lord. Whether you wake up and praise God or take time to worship before bed, invite Him into your space.

4.  A valentine for Jesus – Just as you would pick out a card for your husband or wife; take a moment to pick out a card for Christ. Jesus loves you and your Valentine to Christ is another chance for you to tell Him how much you love Him. Do not limit yourself as to what you can write. Tell Him all that is in your heart.

5.  Show Love to Strangers – Jesus spent his time with men and women from all walks of life. He ventured out into the community and performed miracles. Jesus did not judge those He met, rather He showed them love and healed them while spreading the Word of God. This Valentine’s Day, aim to be like Jesus. Venture out into the community and meet new people. Remember that every person you meet is a new opportunity, not only for friendship but to practice compassion and empathy, as well as spread the Lord’s word.

6. Give to Others – Step out into the community and volunteer. Donate your time to a worthwhile cause or put together Valentine’s Day blessing bags for those in need. Practice Christlike qualities, such as compassion and empathy all while spreading the Lord’s word. {eoa}

Donald Cyprian is the founder and CEO of Instant Christ™a Christian and faith-based social media platform.

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