When Revival Comes, Life Will Change! Part I

God’s promised revival is coming. Are you ready?

Revival is life changing, as all God’s promises are. We see it throughout scripture. When Joseph became governor of Egypt, huge responsibility came with the promotion. When the Israelites entered the Promised Land, they had to go to war. David had to unite a nation and fight battles when he became king.  The disciples took the Gospel to the ends of the earth once they received the promised Holy Spirit. And Mary had to birth and raise a child when her promise arrived.

Pondering this, the Lord showed me a few things from Mary’s story that are relevant to revival.

1. Our expectations are rarely right. When Mary thought about giving birth to the Messiah, I doubt she thought she it would be in a stable far from home. She probably assumed she would be on a soft pallet with her mom by her side. But it wasn’t like that.

Many Israelites thought their Messiah would be born in a palace. So, they completely missed the significance of Jesus’ birth. Of course, Mary couldn’t miss it; she was in the middle of it.  But I am sure she never imagined it would happen like it did!

We must lay down our expectations about the promise we are waiting for, so we don’t misread it or miss it all together.

When the Jesus Movement revival swept across the country in the 1970s, God saved hippies, druggies, violent gang members and others that church people were not quite ready for. When they arrived at the doors of the church, they were full of zeal and joy, but they still looked like hippies, druggies, and gang members. The churches that opened the doors and embraced this move of God saw exponential growth—not only numerically, but also spiritually. The revival so many are waiting and praying for won’t come as we expect—but it will be a glorious work of God! Let’s put down our expectations, so we recognize what God is doing.

 2. When the waiting is over, the work begins. When Jesus was born—Mary had a lot of work to do! Baby Jesus was helpless. Mary had to feed, burp, clothe, change and raise the Messiah. Her role had just begun when Jesus arrived!

Of course, like with most mothers, it was a joy for Mary to care for her child.  She spent quality time with Jesus and did not count Him a burden.  Every day with Him would have brought her new wonder.

Our role in revival should be as joyous! When salvation comes to a loved one, discipleship will be needed. But watching someone grow in the knowledge and love of Christ is exhilarating!

When healing comes, daily routines are altered for the good. It requires work to reframe mindsets and habits. But the testimony of healing opens many doors to share God’s love and goodness with others.

When revival comes, there may be long days and nights of ministry. There will be plenty of opportunities to use the gifts God has given each of us to build up the Body of Christ. Prayer, hospitality, service, stewardship, teaching—everyone will have a role to play. It will all be worth it. God is inviting each one of us to have a front row seat to His work by our involvement!

What gifts has God given you? If they have been dormant, activate those gifts again and get ready for the joy of harvest work!

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Dr. Jodie Chiricosta is vice president of Somebody Cares America/International. She teaches and consults on a variety of Christian living and leadership topics and is a host of the Charisma podcast Her God Story.

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