Receive Greater Faith

How often do you pray for greater faith? If we are honest, almost everyone would admit that increasing their faith is one of their goals in life. The Word of God is filled with examples of those who had great faith. Hebrews Chapter 11 has been called the Hall of Faith because it lists many of the heroes of Faith. Hebrews chapter 11 tells us that Moses had faith to leave the House of Pharaoh to share the oppression, of God’s people. By faith, Moses led those in slavery from Egypt toward the promised land. By faith Noah built an ark for a flood that had never happened before. There are too many stories of faith to list them all in this article. By faith, God’s people have overcome kingdoms, shut the mouths of lions, quenched the flames of fire, escaped from prisons, and partook in hundreds of miracles.

Many Christians struggle with trying to understand faith. Jesus speaks of those with little faith or of no faith and those with great faith. The word of God describes faith as having substance, giving confidence, providing for an assurance of things hoped for. The Bible calls faith evidence of things not seen. With all of these examples of men and women having faith and the stories of great miracles of faith, there are those who lack faith for even the small things in their life.

As a pastor for over 20 years, I have preached sermons on faith to thousands of individuals. I have been blessed to pray for large gatherings of believers to increase their faith. My wife and I served as the prayer pastors at one of the largest Assembly of God churches in America. We taught individuals to claim the promises that God has for them in their times of prayer. Often when we prayed for those who needed a miracle, we would ask them if they had faith to believe. Some would say they thought or hoped they had faith. Others would say they don’t have the faith to believe. When this happened, I would quote a Scripture on faith before we prayed.

This article is intended to help Christians receive greater faith. If you desire to increase your faith, then start the process now. You can do that by reading God’s promises. I suggest that you make a list of scriptures on faith. Then claim these as promises from God for you to increase your faith. We must never forget that the Bible tells us that Jesus is the author of our faith. Our faith will grow when we remove doubt, fear and anxiety from our thoughts. We must do what the apostle Paul tells us to do in the book of Philippians. We must fix our thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure and lovely. To have greater faith, we must think about the things that are worthy of praise. I suggest you remove words like luck or coincidence from your thoughts. Christians are not lucky, they are blessed. Things in life don’t happen to Christians by coincidence. Our steps must be led of God. Our faith will increase when we understand that our God created us to have faith.

Finally, our faith will become greater when we live by faith. Believe that when we pray, we must call forth those things that are not as though they are. Believe for greater faith and never let your circumstances interfere with God’s promises of faith to those who seek Him.

David Friend is an award-winning author. He has written several books on living a quality Christian life. He is a teacher, pastor, business owner and veteran.

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