Prayer for the Salvation of Friends and Family

Recently, while praying with some friends, I saw a vision of multitudes of people in the Valley of Decision, and they were descending into a pit that I knew was hell.

I began to cry out, and my friends began to cry out. It was like we cried out with one voice. My friends took ahold together with me in prayer. We came into agreement. And as we prayed, we were pulling people up out of that pit.

Some people came all the way out, and some people slowed their descent. This is the power of our prayers for the lost. We can rescue them from darkness and bring them to the light of Christ.

God is very interested in saving everyone, bringing them to the knowledge of the truth (see 2 Pet. 3:9). He is not content to leave anyone behind. God loves that one lost individual in your sphere of influence so much that, if He had to, He would have sent Jesus just for that one person.

That’s how much He loves each one of us and why Jesus’ stated mission on earth was to seek and save the lost.

Now, in Heaven, Jesus is the great intercessor, and His eyes are on all the lost people of the earth—including your friends and family members. He calls us to share the gospel with them, according to the Spirit’s leading (it is important to follow His guidance about when and how).

And He calls us to pray. Every time is a good time to pray for our unsaved friends and family. Through our intercession, we can do a work for them in the spirit that will help prepare the way for them to turn their hearts to Jesus.

I believe we should pray for the lost in six strategic ways:

  1. Pray the Scripture (see 1 Cor. 14:14-15)
  2. Pray to Remove Infirmities (see Rom. 15:1)
  3. Pray with Your Authority (see John 14:14)
  4. Pray for Protection (see Heb. 1:14)
  5. Pray for Conviction and Revelation (see Eph. 1:16-20; 3:17-19)
  6. Pray for Laborers (see Matt. 9:37)

In future blog posts, I will highlight and explain each of these six strategic prayers. For now, what you need to know is that the Bible promises that “the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16 NKJV). In other words, your prayers work.

They open the door for God to work in your friends’ and family members’ lives, which will eventually cause them to turn to Christ.

Believe that your prayers are mighty. The devil is afraid you will really get this revelation and rise up, taking your place in prayer as a watchman on the wall for those in your sphere of influence.

He is terrified, because he knows what is possible when you pray. God is ready and eager to work miracles in the lives the people you prayer for. He simply awaits your partnership.

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Margie Fleurant is an author, speaker, and teacher on the importance of prayer in our daily walk in life.  She is the Founder of Margie Fleurant Ministries. Traveling in the US and internationally as a keynote speaker, Margie uses this motivational knowledge to creatively inspire her audience of all ages in simple, understandable ways. With over 40 years of experience, Margie regularly speaks at churches, conferences, events, and seminars.  Margie is the author of 9 books which includes Contend, Focus and Encountering God Through Prayer – these are available in bookstores and online. You can find Margie’s books, teachings, and other resources on her website at

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