Our Forgotten Identity

I remember as a little boy watching the sitcom “Happy Days.” My favorite character was the Fonz, wasn’t he everyone’s favorite? The Fonz was the ultimate cool cat, the rebel who had a soft loving side that would pop out when those who looked up to him, needed him the most. The leather jacket with the collar up, the often used “ayy” was emulated by most of us boys. Of course, within a period of time we moved past our adulation of the Fonz and most of the antics that we used melted away. One thing that somehow survived was keeping my collar up and my love for leather jackets.

Years later, probably in the 90s, a fella made mention of my leather jacket with the collar up and said something like “Hey Fonzi”. That sparked the memory of the fictional character that I once identified with, and I responded with an “ayyy” and a thumbs up. We as humans act out of who we identify ourselves with. When I remembered the long since forgotten Arthur Fonzerilli I instinctively reacted from the identity of the Fonz.

Who or what we identify with strongly dictates our actions. We instinctively react to situations based upon our identity, who we see ourselves as. If we see ourselves as sinners barely saved by grace, then that is what we’ll act out. If we see ourselves as being sick and frail, then that is exactly what we will become.

But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. (2 Cor. 11:3, KJV)

This is exactly what happened in the garden. The serpent caused Adam and Eve, through charm, to identify themselves as less than what they were. They forgot their identity, that God had made them perfect. Since they were less than perfect in their eyes; the fruit became the means to perfection. Consequently, all of humanity forgot their true identity, we have forgotten how God created us to be. Our minds are corrupted by choosing an identity other than the identity that Jesus demonstrated. A son or daughter of the living God. When we remember who we are in Christ that is when we will stop living from the old man and start living from the simplicity that we have In Christ.

It doesn’t matter what area of life that we’re struggling with, whether it be an addiction, health, sin, or poverty. The solution is the same. We need to start viewing ourself with the identity that has been forgotten. In Christ we are righteous, healthy and prosperous. This is the identity that we have forgotten. We then try to become what we’ve always been and make a mess of it through our own self-effort instead of just living out who we truly are.

Tony Myers is the founder of Outside the 4 Walls Ministry. He was healed from Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and now teaches others to walk-in relationship with the Holy Spirit, which includes healing. Tony is the author of The Lord Jesus Healed Me – Journey of an Atheist to the Truth, Unlocking the Mystery of Divine Healing, Divine Healing DIY – Yes You Can, Knocking Food off its Pedestal and Pushing the Boundaries in Christ – Living Supernaturally. His website is www.tonybelieves.com.

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