Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Morning Glory and God’s Mercies

Read Time: 3 Minutes

What did you notice the last time you went for a walk as the sun was rising? Did you see the darkness giving way to the light? Did you notice streams of light coming from the sun or the sun’s brightness as it begins to climb higher in the sky?

As I was walking along the beach, the sun was rising. As usual, it was lighting a pathway on the water. I stopped walking to pause and look. As I marveled at its splendor, God gently reminded me that His mercies are new every morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

What does it mean for the mercies of God to be new every morning? When our lives are falling apart, the future seems uncertain, and we struggle to take our next step, how do we grasp the depth of the fact that God’s mercies are new?

Just as I stopped walking to marvel at the sun, we need to pause and re-focus on the mercy of God intentionally. That mercy can manifest in the fact that we are alive and breathing, the smile of a friend, a timely phone call, or the song of a bird. In addition, there is something about being outside in the world that God created. Why?

Adam and Eve lived in a perfect environment and walked intimately with God. However, when they sinned, everything changed except the mercy and love of God. Mercy and love from the Father are still the same.

We see the tree breaking through the impenetrable rock. We see the beautiful flower in the desert, the blanket of snow on the mountain, the scampering of the squirrel, and the crashing waves on the shore as the boundaries collide. The fact is that each situation can only happen because God’s mercies are new every day. If this happens with the world around us, how much more will God pour out His mercies in your life.

Even when Adam and Eve left the garden God never left them. He faithfully watched over them and made a way for them to not just survive but to thrive. They knew what they had lost, yet the mercies of God continued to be new every day.

The question for you today is, will you receive the new mercies of God that you need as you walk through today? He knows exactly what you need and will pour His mercy over you in abundance.

Heavenly Father, thank you that your mercies are new every morning. I choose to trust you in every season of my life. Heaven Father, just as the sun breaks through the darkness and the tree splits the rock, I ask that you break into my life. I ask that you open my eyes to see the depth of the new mercies you pour over me each day.

Steps to receiving mercy:


  • Intentionally stop and look for God’s mercy each day.
  • Be authentic with God about where you are at
  • Decree and declare the goodness of God (remind yourself)
  • Worship
  • Make sure you are standing on His promises vs. your feelings and perceptions.

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Ruth Hendrickson is an ordained pastor, itinerant speaker, ministry trainer and board-certified biblical counselor who has extensive experience in the development, training and oversight of emotional healing ministry teams, recovery ministries, prophetic ministry, prayer ministries and women’s ministry. In addition, she is a course facilitator for Patricia King Institute and Charisma courses. She writes for Elijah List and Charisma and has a podcast titled “Real Truth with Ruth.” Through biblically based teachings and practical applications infused with love and laughter, her goal is to introduce people not only to the living God who saves, but also to the God who desires an intimate relationship with each one of us. Her books “Positioned – How to be Aligned & Empowered to Walk in Your Diving Destiny” and “Everyday Prophetic” will help you grow in your walk with God. Visit Ruth’s website at, her Facebook page at; her YouTube channel at and her podcast, Real Truth with Ruth.

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