Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

If I Had Known the Video Would Have Gone Viral…


With these words, Dr. Stella Immanuel jokingly described the moment she was “thrust into the global limelight.” She said she would have “done her hair better.” Appearing with other doctors in front of the Supreme Court steps in July of 2020, she and the other medical professionals called out the political and medical establishment for suppressing information about alternative treatments for Covid-19 such as hydroxychloroquine.

For their efforts, she and her colleagues, and their viewpoints, were made the subject of ridicule and suppression.  There was an effort by big tech to squelch their voices, scrub them from media. Additionally, the ability of people to easily obtain hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin was frequently roadblocked.

Why was Dr. Stella so certain hydroxychloroquine would work?  Because she had seen it work in the care and prevention of malaria, a disease with similar presenting symptoms.  She was also listening to reports from other parts of the world.  In many nations, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are available over the counter and they were being used to treat Covid.

There is still a lot of mystery surrounding all the steps taken in terms of lockdowns, masks, vaccine mandates, etc. in the Covid pandemic.  It was just reported on Charisma News (10/14/22) that a Pfizer executive acknowledged to a member of the European Parliament, Rob Roos, that the Covid vaccine was never tested to see whether it would prevent transmission of the virus by vaccinated people.

This led MEP Roos to state in a video, “This removes the entire legal basis for the COVID passport.  The COVID passport led to massive institutional discrimination as people lost access to essential parts of society. Millions of people worldwide felt forced to get vaccinated because of the myth that ‘you do it for others.’ Now this turned out to be a cheap lie and should be exposed.” (See “Charisma” article by Liberty Counsel on 10/14/22)

We know how many people lost their jobs because they refused vaccines. We know about the businesses, the churches, so many aspects of people’s lives that closed and will never come back because of rigid lockdown policy.

However, the truly troubling question to ask in all this is, “How many lives might have been saved had there not been a concerted effort to mock and suppress the use of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and other protocols proposed by doctors like Stella Immanuel?”

Dr. Pam Morrison is a pastor who has both led churches and also ministered in the inner city with recovering addicts. She is the author of Jesus and the Addict: Twelve Bible Studies for People Getting Free from Drugs. Her CPN podcast is Rooted by the Stream. Find her at

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