Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How to Operate in the Anointing


Have you ever wondered how men and women of God move in great power? The answer is a combination of their personal walk with God (the inner anointing), and the anointing that God has released over them to fulfill a purpose (outer anointing).

The outer anointing comes upon us for service and is often the result of a visitation from God, or an impartation from men of God. Here are  five keys to understand to operate in the outer anointing.


Before Paul talks about the gift that is in Timothy’s life, he addresses the foundation that Timothy rests upon (2 Tim. 1:5). In order to operate in the power of God, a firm foundation in your walk with Christ built on your personal faith in Jesus, is essential.


Paul then encourages Timothy to recognize what has been given to him through impartation (1 Tim. 4:14).

Impartation typically refers to the laying on of hands as a means of transferring the power of God onto that individual. However, if you want an impartation from God, you must first learn to serve with the capacity that He has given you.


Beware of fear and timidity (2 Tim. 1:6-7). The enemy uses these feelings as blockages for the flow of God’s anointing. Don’t let him limit you, instead, choose to minister out of faith and obedience.


Paul tells Timothy to fan into flame the gift (2 Timothy 1:8). Your environment is a HUGE component when it comes to the development of your gift. Surround yourself with anointed people of God who can push you to grow.


The anointing is for deployment. When God finds someone who is yielded to Him, He allows His power to flow through them.

Let God demonstrate His power through you in your city.

Vladimir Savchuk leads the HungryGen movement and pastors a multi-cultural church with a clear-cut, focused vision to see the salvation of souls, healing, deliverance, and the raising of young leaders. He leads the annual Raised to Deliver conference which attract thousands from all over the globe. He leads three different internships. He is a sought-after speaker at conferences and camps. Please listen to his podcast, the Vladimir Savchuk Podcast, on the Charisma Podcast Network.

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