Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How to do a Prophetic Pep Talk


Read Time: 2 Minutes, 16 Seconds

Listen to Emma’s podcast, What the Prophets Say, on the Charisma Podcast Network.

Do you long for a word of prophecy? The Holy Spirit gift of prophecy is a powerful tool from God which allows us to hear His plans, both for today and for the future. And it is not just for others, it is also a gift we can use to prophesy over ourselves!

How do we prophesy over ourselves? My top tip is time – it’s important to give time to the voice of God. At the Global Prophetic Alliance, my team has delivered approximately forty thousand hours of personal prophetic ministry. It’s not because our anointing is different from anyone else’s, it is simply because we’ve spent time listening to God. When you give time to the voice of God, it develops your muscles in hearing Him.

Begin by regularly practising a word of prophecy over yourself or what we call at GPA, a Prophetic Pep Talk. We do this to not only partner with the gift of prophecy, but also to have the grounding presence of God in our lives, speaking daily Truth and love. In a time of shaking, hearing what God has to say in the here and now for you personally, is vital to thwarting the attacks of the enemy.

When we hear what God is saying, we are empowered to partner with the works, ways and solutions of God. Because you are called to be a solution and person of change for God!

The next step is to be secure in hearing the voice of God. The more you practise prophesying over yourself, the more you learn to identify what the Lord sounds like. Before myself or anyone in GPA does any type of broadcast or prophesying, we always prophesy over ourselves first to fill ourselves up with the word of the Lord. We understand that the voice of God anchors us as a securing force on the inside.

Want to learn more? To hear how I helped my drag queen hairdresser get rid of a poltergeist and know how to be in step with the timings of God, listen to my first episode – Drag Queens, Poltergeists and Prophetic Peptalks, from my podcast, What the Prophets say! With Emma Stark.

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Emma Stark is the co-founder and co-director of the Global Prophetic Alliance, along with her husband David. She is a prophet, leader, teacher and author who operates with authority and authenticity as she ministers around the world. Born in Northern Ireland into a long family line of church pastors, Emma communicates with clarity, humour and Celtic boldness! Emma and her team have trained thousands of people around the world to hear God, receive freedom and be activated in prophecy, revelation and spiritual warfare, as well as raising up those who are called into the office of prophet. Visit her website at Listen to her podcast, What the Prophets Say, on the Charisma Podcast Network.

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