Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How to Deal with Difficult People Biblically


Jesus suffered significantly at the hands of sinners, toxic people, religious people, and difficult people. As His followers, we should learn from Him how to handle difficult situations better.

  • Jesus prayed beforehand (Matthew 26:44).

A lifestyle of prayer gives us the grace to deal with difficult people in a way that glorifies God.

  • Jesus caused others to marvel because of His silence (Mark 14:61).

James 1:19 reveals the secret to dealing with difficult people, “slow to speak, slow to anger, and swift to hear”.

  • Jesus took the beating.

He wasn’t a pacifist; He was powerful. 2 Timothy 2:3 says, “Endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.”

  • Jesus poured out His heart to the Father (Mark 15:34).

It’s okay to have doubts, fears, and complaints, but open up to the right people, like Jesus with His Father.

  • Jesus forgave before they apologized (Luke 22:34).

If you’re hurting, quickly forgive for your own sake. “Do not let the sun go down on your wrath” (Ephesians 4:26b).

  • Jesus responded to the Father; He did not react to people (Luke 23:46).

Focus on living in obedience to God. Pause and ponder, what would He want you to do in this situation?

  • Jesus ministered while suffering (Luke 22:49-51).

Don’t let pain stop your purpose, minister to someone who is going through worse situations than you.

  • Jesus received ministry from others.

Mary poured anointing oil on Him, and Simon helped carry His cross. God will use people to heal and minister to you in your suffering.

  • Jesus didn’t associate with the Pharisees after His resurrection.

Learn to set distance and boundaries with people who are toxic.

  • Jesus rose again, so will you.

Difficult people may repent, so no matter how much pain people caused you, your greatest ministry and pleasures will also involve people.

Vladimir Savchuk leads the HungryGen movement and pastors a multi-cultural church with a clear-cut, focused vision to see the salvation of souls, healing, deliverance, and the raising of young leaders. He leads the annual Raised to Deliver conference which attract thousands from all over the globe. He leads three different internships. He is a sought-after speaker at conferences and camps. Please listen to his podcast, the Vladimir Savchuk Podcast, on the Charisma Podcast Network.

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