Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Healing and Miracles Are Not Just for End Times, But Also Now

I notice several ministers/and or Christian people will post on their social media or even preach that Jesus will be healing the sick with signs, wonders and great miracles in the future. They say things like legs and arms and stumps will be growing out. They say in the future greater things will be happening. I’m happy about that but I have heard that for years. I know in the end times we will see amazing miracles and signs and wonders, but these things are not just meant for the end times.

My issue is this: How about right now? I see great healing and miracles of God happening right now. I have seen all manner of sickness and disease healed. I have seen people get out of wheelchairs. I have seen cancer healed. I have seen blind eyes and deaf ears open. I have seen bones move and metal become as bone.  I have seen everything healed and not just once but many times! I’m not willing to wait for some time in the future. God is waiting for you to tap into Him.

So, can we change how we think? I would like for all who have been saying that it is going to happen to realize that it has happened since Jesus died on the cross. You may not be seeing it in your life but that does not mean it is not happening with great power and much frequency! I can testify to that and so can many others.

Let’s rise up in faith and feed ourselves on the promises of God until we see it happen through each and every one of us. Your time to be used by God is right now, not sometime in the future that is undefined. Get into the Word daily building your faith. My God is moving mightily and I am so happy that I have pressed in through prayer and fasting and then in great boldness to see Him heal and deliver, and you can too!

Pastor Linda Budd is Senior Pastor of RiverGate Church Tulsa. Along with her husband, Joel, they co-Pastor the church. She has a prophetic preaching and teaching gift that will take you to greater levels of anointing and impartation.  Linda has a passion for healing and deliverance and often sees this occur in her ministry. She agrees with the Apostle Paul and does not believe in preaching the word only but like Paul says, “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that you faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.”

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