Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

In this season of seeing and gaining new vision, the eyes of the church must be cleansed and focused. We cannot “see” through the traditions of our past or the fears of our future. We must restore a true vision of the one who liberated us to represent Him in sharing the Good News of the kingdom and take dominion in our generation. This rearrangement of vision is causing leaders for a new generation to see beyond the world’s filters. These conforming screens have caused us to lose the same boldness and transformational change that Jesus of Nazareth displayed. He represented the Father and resisted the opposition of a supernatural foe that longs to mold us into an image denying the power of the King of all Kings.

A new governmental order will arise. The key to the civil government war will be the restored government of God regaining power to legislate the heavens. Binding and loosing, forbidding and permitting will be transferred to the hands of the apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists of the future. The government of God will lose the political spirit of Judas, align itself with heaven and represent the order of God. This means that these gifts-leaders in the church must be restored from territory to territory and nation to nation. The voice of God in His leaders must be restored and heard, just as Moses represented the Lord before Pharaoh, and as Jesus represented His Father before the Sanhedrin. We must do likewise!

There will be a governmental war as the governments of the world realign against God’s covenant plan in the earth. This will be recognized as nations harden their hearts toward Israel and agree with the violation of God’s covenant boundaries with His firstborn nation. For a brief period in this new decade leading up to 2020, there will be a move of God among Muslims. Many will rebel against the violence that robs their freedom and accept the grace of God given through His Son. Because of the war over financial control in the earth, watch the influence of China. The megatrends associated with capitalistic materialism through communist control that have developed in that nation will now infiltrate many nations as they rearrange their financial structures.

The real war in days ahead will come over how we, the church, gather, fellowship and exercise our kingdom authority. We are approaching a historic time when a megachurch will not be the only recognized expression of kingdom success. The information age has changed the way we communicate. This change has altered the way we gather. Gatherings will now be more functional and focused on causes rather than territorial (local church) issues. Many denominations and spiritual structures will be fading and losing their relevance by 2016. Prophetic accuracy will now mature, causing the church to have new prayer power and kingdom strategies. The god of this age will be defeated.

Sound creates movement. We will hear the sound of heaven penetrating the land and the response from the land being expressed in our worship. Our form of worship is changing rapidly. At the same time, corporate worship gatherings in certain territories will break through into new levels of revelation, restoration and transformation. The Word will become even more applicable for this age through sound and worship. Many of what are now corporate warfare worship gatherings will turn into times of travail, and the result will be changed nations. As we come together and worship in such settings, we will gain new strategies for how to govern in our spheres of authority.

Overall, a new triumphant reserve or remnant will arise and be willing to love not their lives unto death!

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