Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Woman Loosed From Demonic Chains After Six Years

GFA Pastor

GFA Pastor
Sukhra Chauhan was unknowingly possessed by a demon for almost six
years. After an arduous search for deliverance, she unexpectedly came to
the right place—her relative’s house.

Sukhra’s torment robbed her entire family of peace. Desperate for a
solution to her problems, they spent a lot of money going to magicians
who could supposedly heal sicknesses.

None of them could help Sukhra. But when she went to another state
for a religious festival, she ended up visiting a relative, a Christian
woman who belongs to the congregation of GFA-supported pastor Vibhas
Jaiteley. Sukhra’s relative realized she was demon possessed and asked
her to stay in her home for a few days.

Meanwhile, Vibhas’ church members were meeting for a three-day
session of fasting and prayer. Sukhra’s relative took her to the prayer
meeting, where the whole congregation prayed for the demon-possessed

On the third day of the gathering, God freed Sukhra from the demon’s grip, and Sukhra decided to follow Jesus!

Sukhra returned home and started attending worship services at a
church in her own community. She would appreciate prayer that she
continues to grow closer to the Lord and that her family also opens
their hearts to His love.

Pastor Vibhas requests prayer that he will witness God’s healing of
several friends who are suffering from chronic illnesses. Also, pray God
will protect and guide Vibhas and provide a church building for his

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