Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Why This Group of Persecuted Believers Is Refusing to Compromise the Gospel

Last week I was in Washington, D.C., at the invitation of International Christian Concern to speak at their one-day Summit Conference. Though ICC and all the speakers and I are burdened for persecuted Christians everywhere, the specific topic of this summit was North Korea.

Two congressmen spoke, including Rep. Chris Smith from New Jersey. Rep. Smith is a congressional leader on issues of international religious freedom. Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. James Lankford also spoke, and they proved to be knowledgeable and moving speakers.

A North Korean escapee gave a harrowing account of his miraculous deliverance from the reign of terror now prevailing in that poor country.

I also spoke. Each speaker was asked to speak for 10 minutes. I thought my readers might like to see this brief message. After you watch this video, I hope you will spend some time in prayer for suffering believers around the world. Last year, some 90,000 Christians died for their faith. Several hundred thousand more worship under constant threat of discovery, imprisonment, torture and death. Please pray for the suffering church.

Here then is my address at the ICC summit on the persecuted church. This event was held last week in the House of Representatives’ Sam Rayburn building. {eoa}

Dr. Mark Rutland is president of both Global Servants ( and the National Institute of Christian Leadership ( A renowned communicator and New York Times best-selling author, he has more than 30 years of experience in organizational leadership, having served as a senior pastor and a university president.

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