Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why God Is Calling You to Racial Recompense and Reclamation

The story of Jesus is one of recompense and reclamation. He seeks to restore our broken pasts and renew our confidence in our identity as children of God.

History reveals Jesus’ heart to reconcile the least of these back to Him. Jason Armstrong says in this episode of The Remnant Voice that stories like the Israelites’ golden calf and the Samaritan woman at the well point to the deeply relevant topic of racism.

Armstrong says, “He wasn’t only redeeming land because of the covenant of Abraham; He was also reconciling a race back to Him.”

In His reconciliation, Jesus calls us to drink from the well that never runs dry, just like the Samaritan woman. “Jesus says to us, ‘There’s a superior well, that I’m calling you to drink from right now. And you’re going to see clearly after you drink of this water, and you’re going to see that it’s not about this form or that form or this color or that color. It’s about worshiping Me in spirit and truth'” says Armstrong.

This reconciliation is not going to come easily; it’s going to cause us to take a hard look at what we are using to fill the Jesus-shaped hole in our lives. Armstrong declares, “What you worship you become. … What image are you being conformed to? The one that’s been carved by the hands of man? Or the one that’s been created for us, we’ve been created in His likeness, in His image. That’s the one I’m going to bow to. And then when I bow to that, I become more like that.”

To determine how you can become a co-laborer with Jesus in this fight, listen to the full podcast here.

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