Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Bob Merritt | Baker Books

Life’s Not Working: 7 Simple Choices for A Better Tomorrow
 offers direction for those
seeking help for life’s failures and disappointments. Bob Merritt, senior
pastor at Eagle Brook Church in White Bear Lake, Minn., is a champion of the
ordinary man and presents steps the reader can take toward achieving the
extraordinary in a complex world.

uses his enthusiasm for sports, including hunting and fishing, to introduce
concepts grounded in Scripture and proven in his own life. His seven
choices—don’t quit, do a few things well, be prepared, be consistent, be
disciplined, stretch yourself and practice self control—are so simple that they
are often missed or ignored, yet can lead to fulfillment for those struggling
with an overloaded life.

is a thoughtful voice writing with old wisdom for a new world. His seven
choices encourage and challenge all who think they just aren’t gifted enough to
succeed in life.

to purchase this book.

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