Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Voodoo Priest Finds Christ in Haiti


Recently we told you about a grassroots effort to dedicate Haiti to Christ. According to those who participated, God moved.

Pastor Robert Ulysse, a minister in the northwest region of Haiti, says
they prayed each day at a different crossroad in the region.

According to Ulysse, “After we closed the seventh crossroad event on
Saturday, a Voodoo priest named Solivert Josep, came forward with his
wife. They both declared that they wanted to renounce their Voodoo
practices in favor of the ‘Living God.’ We filled three pickup trucks with
Christians and drove to the Joseph’s home to remove and burn their Voodoo articles.”

Earlier in the week another couple came forward to renounce their Voodoo practices in favor of the “Living God.” Ulysse recounts: “After
the service, we went to their home at crossroad No. 5 to destroy their Voodoo articles. They had more articles than anyone we have seen so far
in this campaign. They attended all of the remaining crossroad

Another husband and wife who were saved out of their Voodoo worship are
so excited. “They have been trying to get their friends, neighbors and
relatives to do the same,” says Ulysse.

In general, says Ulysse, the seven crossroad events have been a complete
victory. He adds, “Voodoo keeps people in bondage through fear.
Haitians, in general, fear the power of Voodoo more than they fear God.”

However, many people believe that anyone who would dare attack the Voodoo spirits on their turf (the crossroads) would be severely
punished. Ulysse says, “Some people clearly said that they would wait to
see if we could really hold the services at the crossroads without
anyone among us being struck dead right there.”

But that never happened. They prayed that God would protect them from
even the smallest incidents. Ulysse reports: “We knew that any incident
could be and would be interpreted as a punishment from the angry spirits
of the crossroads. By the grace of God, we ended the seven days without
even a minor incident even though overloaded pickup trucks and buses
carried thousands of people over mountainous and other
potentially-treacherous roads. So our God answered our prayers.”

Ulysse is praying that the psychological effect on people will help them understand God’s power.

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