Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

Christian ministries supporting God’s chosen nation in hour of need 

When God told Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen. 12:3), He meant it. History is rich with examples of God’s blessing on nations that support Israel and judgment on nations that do not. 

Although all Christians are called to support Israel—after all, salvation is of the Jews (John 4:22)—some ministries have answered a special call to stand with Israel. Though they may take different approaches—some have launched prayer networks, others have set up headquarters in Jerusalem to help Jews there and still others lobby Congress—they have risen up to obey Scripture.

Ministry to Israel encourages Christians to get involved in what God is doing in Israel today. The 23-year-old U.S. ministry has established a prayer network, as well as a Jerusalem Support Center that works with new immigrants there to provide food, clothing and medical assistance.

“It is obvious prophecy related to Israel is being fulfilled before our very eyes and that God wants the church to know it,” says director Michael Utterback. “He not only wants them to be aware but involved in what He is doing with Israel in these days.”

Bridges for Peace is showing its support for Israel in Bethlehem’s backyard. Established in 1976, the Jerusalem-based, Bible-believing Christian organization works to build relationships between Christians and Jews through education and practical deeds expressing God’s love and mercy. 

The group is behind programs such as Project Rescue and Project Hope that aim to help the poorest Jews prepare to immigrate to Israel, and to help the elderly and sick who cannot travel.

“For too long Christians have been silent. For too long the Jewish community has had to fight its battles alone,” says Rebecca Brimmer, president and CEO of Bridges for Peace. “It is time Christian individuals and congregations speak up for the people who gave us the Bible.”

Founded by John Hagee in 2006, Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is a national association that brings together pro-Israel churches, parachurch organizations, ministries and people in America to support Israel in matters related to biblical issues. CUFI members head to Washington every summer to lobby Congress. In 2011, more than 5,000 of the group’s 725,000 members convened in the capital.

“The halls of the Congressional office buildings were crowded with CUFI activists waiting to meet with their elected leaders,” says David Brog, CUFI’s executive director. “I am extremely pleased both with the reception we received and the impact we are clearly having on the U.S.-Israel relationship.” 

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