Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Tornado Victims Find Lost Possessions on Facebook

One Alabama woman is using Facebook to reconnect victims of last week’s deadly tornadoes with some of their missing possessions.  

According to the Huntsville Times, Patty Bullion started the page on the popular social networking website after finding photos and other documents in her yard. The decision reportedly came after she picked up a picture of a baby’s ultrasound and thought the parents would like to have it back.  

“I said to my children, ‘We have got to find a way to help people know about these,” Bullion told the Huntsville Times.  

Just a few hours after finding the items, the Times reports, Bullion and her children had created a Facebook page titled, “Pictures and Documents Found After the April 27, 2011 Tornadoes.”  They started scanning the photos and posting them online with the hope others would follow their lead.

Less than 24 hours after the devastating storms, more than 12,000 Facebook users had “liked” the page, the Times reports, and  by Saturday, the count was up to 67,000 and growing by the hour. Reportedly, people as far away as Georgia and Tennessee were finding items in their yards and posting photos on the newly created Facebook page.  

As of Sunday night, several dozen items had been identified by their rightful owners and sent on their way.  

“It’s just kept going and going,” Bullion said.  “I have to give God the credit for what he’s doing through the [Facebook] page.”

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