Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
TheCall Meets in Florida
TheCall, a worship, prayer and fasting event, will convene this Saturday in Orlando, Fla. Organizers say Florida is critical for changing America’s spiritual landscape.
TheCall Meets in Florida
[01.31.08] TheCall, a worship, prayer and fasting event that continues to draw tens of thousands of people to pray, convenes this Saturday in Orlando, Fla.

Lou Engle, who founded TheCall nearly eight years ago, believes that the prayer meeting in the sunshine state is critical for changing America’s spiritual landscape.

“Not only is Florida a swing state for the elections, but also it is a swing state for revival in the nation,” Engle said. He pointed out two cases in Florida’s past—the removal of Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube and the controversial abortion of baby Rowan, both in 2005—as evidence of Florida’s ground-zero status in America’s battle over life issues.

This Saturday’s prayer rally will be held in Orlando’s Silver Spurs Arena and will focus on fasting, personal holiness and corporate repentance. Organizers emphasized that the event is not a festival, but a fast.

They said prayer would also be lifted up for the abortion issue.

“For 12 hours, we gather not for entertainment but to turn to the Lord with fasting, brokenness and worship,” Engle said.

Leading up to Saturday’s prayer assembly a 21-day fast and a seven-day fast are in progress.

“Great moves of God have come out of Florida in the last 30 years,” Engle said. “The sounds of prayer that birthed those movements are rumbling again.”

TheCall travels to Montgomery, Ala., and San Diego this April, culminating in September on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., prior to the presidential election.

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