Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

I’m convinced that the magnetic spirit that comes over us and draws us together during this annual season is literally the Spirit of God working to bring us back to the wonder of the most amazing paradox that has ever struck this earth: God became human. In the wonder of it all, as believer and unbeliever alike are caught up in that remarkable draw toward the warmth of Christmas, God does a work through this familiar story.

When Jesus came, born in a manger in the obscure town of Bethlehem, His people didn’t want their Messiah to look like that.

But God knew what they needed. He sent them a leader who would get rid of the problem of sin. … He didn’t come to be served, but to serve. He didn’t wear a crown, except a crown of thorns.

But at Christmas, how we “thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!” (2 Cor. 9:15). Jesus Christ is the God-man. He is our High Priest, who intercedes for us when we go to the Father with our prayers of confession and praise and intercession and petition. You see, He came to touch the lives of the world.

Excerpted from “The Gift We Need” in The Swindoll Study Bible by Charles R. Swindoll. Find out more at

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