Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Jerry B. Jenkins | Tyndale House Publishers

Author Jerry
B. Jenkins gives a look inside the life of a policeman struggling with his
faith in the police thriller The Brotherhood, the first in the Precinct
11 series. Set in the near future, the book takes a frank look at the question
of why God allows suffering.

Christian but never passionate about his faith, Chicago police officer Boone
Drake shuns religion after an accidental fire claims his wife and 3-year-old
son. An expected promotion lifts him out of depression until a wrongful
brutality charge threatens to end his career. When the case gets dismissed, he
begins to appreciate the value of prayer. Reassigned to the Organized Crime
Division, he finds himself positioned to topple all four of the gangs
terrorizing Chicago and finally accepts that God has an unknowable yet
masterful plan for his life.

simple and expressive style brings gangland Chicago to life, and though some
readers may find the resolution simplistic, Boone’s struggle to make sense of
God’s sovereignty is easily relatable for believers.

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