Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Thailand Revival Fueled By Holy Spirit and Caffeine

Living Word Ministries and Mai Thai
Coffee are taking Thailand by storm;
villages are being evangelized, churches are being planted, children are being
rescued. This ministry and business have been established by Charlie and Cathy
Milbrodt, who have also established Abundant
Life Foundation
in Thailand. The purpose of all three organizations is to
reach the lost, rescue and care for at risk children and establish the Kingdom
of God in this traditionally Buddhist land. Nearly 100 churches have been built.
Over 800 children are being cared for.  

years of successful ministry in Thailand have established a dynamic ministry
reaching thousands with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

and Cathy Milbrodt’s eyes were opened to the plight of children in Thailand
over 21 years ago when they found a set of twins in the remote regions of the
Golden Triangle. Rescued from death they took these babies home to “find a good
home for them.” God had a plan; the boys were adopted by the Milbrodt’s. Now 21
years old, Jason and Jeremy are finishing their education and preparing to join
the work in Thailand.

the twins challenged the Milbrodt’s to establish a facet of ministry to help
other at risk children. Abundant Life Children’s Home was birthed and now cares
for over 800 children. Children become targets as a result of poverty. Mai Thai
Coffee was established as a grass roots program to eliminate the environment
for risk. Over 500 families benefit from this program. Thousands more will be
affected as it grows.

Mai Thai Coffee was launched two years ago as a means to better the
lives of rural villagers and to create income to support the ongoing work in
Thailand. Excellent quality specialty coffee is being grown in the highlands of
northern Thailand. Wholesale green coffee is available to professional roasters
as well as beautifully packaged retail coffee through Mai Thai Coffee website.

Living Word Ministries International
[email protected] 
Phone: 520-297-2235

Mai Thai Coffee, Inc.
Email:[email protected]           
Phone: 520-797-4440

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