Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Study Finds Values Movies More Profitable Than R-Rated

Study Finds Values Movies More Profitable Than R-Rated
Films with very strong Christian values fared three times better at the box office than ones with very strong non-Christian values.
Study Finds Values Movies More Profitable Than R-Rated
For films released between 2002 and 2006, ones with very strong Christian values fared three times better at the box office than ones with very strong non-Christian values, according to a recent study by MovieGuide, a Christian movie review company. The study compared films with explicit Christian content such as The Nativity Story and movies with morally uplifting themes such as Charlotte’s Web to films with strongly unbiblical worldviews such as The Da Vinci Code and Brokeback Mountain. Though there were 116 uplifting films and 299 strongly non-Christian films, MovieGuide found that films with Christian values earned more collectively than those with non-Christian worldviews. “American moviegoers want movies with overt Christian values and biblical worldviews,” said Ted Baehr, leader of the research team and founder of MovieGuide. “They don't want to see movies that mock their faith and values.”
Photo Credit: Jamie Trueblood/New Line Cinema 

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