Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Stand Unshaken, No Matter How Uncertain the Times!

Paralyzed by fear, my daughter often asks me for help late at night with her English homework, and one night she asked me for an example of “situational irony.”

Well, here’s a perfect example!

After a long day of teaching on “experiencing freedom from fear,” there I was, that same evening, completely consumed in fear!

Paralyzed is the best way to describe it—so fearful that I couldn’t think, move or feel!

Why? I was fearing these uncertain end times, and I don’t think I’m the only one who has ever felt that way! The end-times epidemic fear and stress from the day in which we live seem to be overtaking many of us, regardless of our faith.

All you have to do is watch the news or scroll through social media pages for five minutes, and you’re soon injected with a dose of fear and stress about the economy, terrorism, ISIS, rampant immorality, racial riots, religious persecution, gun control, threat of world wars, nuclear attacks, coming judgment, U.S. decline as a global power, rise of Islam and Sharia law, instability in the Middle East, Muslim refugees—and the list goes on.

Add to that the uncertainty in our personal lives from our jobs, relationships, finances and health, and we’ve got a culture that’s generally fearful, stressed, angry or frustrated and is either lashing out or hiding under the covers. Neither of these responses is God’s plan and desire for us. On the contrary, they are the enemy’s plan for us. Satan is working through our fear and busyness to keep us stressed out, distracted, checked out, feeling powerless and believing there is nothing we can do except wait for Jesus’ return. Click here for your free chapter download


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