Southern Indian Youth Learn Timothy Lifestyle

About 190 youths from southern India gathered for a three-day camp,
where Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Daniel J. taught from the
verse 1 Timothy 4:12. He encouraged the boys and girls to be an example
in all areas of their lives by breaking down the verse and putting it in
practical ways for the teens to understand and apply to their lives.

“A common statement we hear from parents, neighbors, friends and
everyone around when a youngster gets into trouble is ‘Oh, it’s OK; he’s
young,'” said Daniel. “But it’s not OK! The Bible says to youngsters in
1 Timothy 4:12: ‘Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are
young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love,
in faith and in purity'” (NIV).

Be an Example in Life and Speech
Day one had two sessions of teaching. For the first session, a guest
speaker shared his testimony with the students and challenged them to
set an example in their daily life and studies. The second session for
the day was about being an example in their speech. The speaker used the
life of Jacob and looked at how his lying, cheating and deceit led to a
life of difficulties—yet God did restore him in the end.

Be an Example in Love and Faith
Day two consisted of group activities and ministering to those in need
around them. The 190 youths were divided into 19 groups of 10 with one
adult in charge of each group. For their first group activity, the
students learned how to be an example in love by visiting a home for the
destitute, where a lot of “unwanted people” from the community stay.

“This was probably the most emotionally touching experience for these
young people,” Daniel said. “They saw people in their old age who told
stories of cruelty from their own children. They met several young men
who were recovering from drug and alcoholic addictions. These young men
warned them not to follow their paths. They also met children who had
severe mental or physical handicaps. They reminded them to be grateful
for the health they were enjoying.

“It was touching to see these boys and girls talking to them, sitting
alongside them, listening to their stories and praying for them. The
girls group even sang songs and prayed for several of them.”

For the second activity the youth learned how to be an example in
faith by distributing gospel literature. They were each given 20 tracts
to give away.

“For some of these young men and women, this was their first
experience giving out gospel tracts,” said Daniel. “Some of them
enthusiastically gave out literature from the beginning, while others
warmed up as the adults and others with them started giving out tracts.
Almost everyone came back saying that they had finished their goal of 20
tracts. Some even asked their group leaders for more. In all, more than
4,000 pieces of gospel literature were distributed that one day. Praise
the Lord!”

Be an Example in Purity
During the last day, the boys and girls were divided for the teaching on
purity. The girls learned how to deal with and avoid temptations they
face and how to walk in modesty, while a guest speaker taught the boys
how to avoid the vices of alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction.

“At the end of three days of fun-filled, wholesome activities, the
young men and women did make a commitment to follow the godly example
told in 1 Timothy 4:12,” Daniel said.

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