Soccer Evangelism Strategy Reaches Senegal Muslims

Nations that are mostly Muslim can be difficult to reach. Blasphemy
laws can keep Christians from speaking the truth in Algeria or Pakistan.
Threat of persecution and imprisonment make believers cautious.

In the 95 percent Muslim country of Senegal, believers have taken a unique
approach to avoid conflict while still getting the gospel across.

David Bies with Biblica
says because of the nation’s devotion to Islam: “It’s difficult for us
to make a mass evangelism to call people. That’s why we use a sport
outreach, sport evangelism. When you have one soccer ball, you go
outside in the street, and in one minute you can get more than 100 kids
around you.”

Biblica uses soccer to teach kids about the Bible. Not only are biblical
truths taught using the soccer ball itself, but kids are given
materials that explain the gospel. They are told the story of Jesus.

“It’s a huge project around the country, and every year we can reach
more than 50,000 kids through the materials we get,” says Bies.

Those are the numbers for kids, but what about the others who hear?
Parents are keen to listen in on the lessons following soccer times as
well. Bies says ministry leaders share the histories of Abraham, Moses,
David and other religious figures that transcend Islam and Christian
lines. Muslim parents are interested in learning more about faith
founders who can be confusing to understand in the Quran.

As the parents listen intently to ministry workers talking about ancient
leaders, they eventually receive more than a history lesson. The story
of Jesus is told, and they are able to hear the truth of the gospel in
the context of that history.

Bies says the results of the simple ministry have been overwhelming.
Many kids were baptized last year after learning about Jesus through
resources given to them by Biblica. Parents are coming to Christ, too.

The program is vital for outreach across the nation, but to keep it
afloat, funding is needed. “We are praying that God can give the heart
to the people to make donations, that we can get more and more materials
to continue this project.”

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