Sat. Oct 5th, 2024


A Call to Prayer for The 10/40 Window

A Call to Prayer for the Children,
Teens and Young Adults of the 10/40 Window

By Beverly Pegues and Nancy Huff,
YWAM Publishing, 267 pages, paperback, $13.99.

Please pray.” This simple plea comes from a pair of intercessors and missionaries who have organized and alphabetized their list of needs in a well-researched book, A Call to Prayer for the Children, Teens and Young Adults of the 10/40 Window. From Afghanistan’s malnourished, under-educated children to sodomized boys in Sri Lanka, the requests ring loud and clear.

Written by Beverly Pegues of Window International Network and Nancy Huff of Teach the Children International, A Call to Prayer gives the demographics of 66 nations in the 10/40 Window, an imaginary rectangle north of the equator between 10 degrees and 40 degrees that includes West Africa, North Africa, the Middle East and the Far East. Within this corridor live the world’s most unreached people groups; among them are children who face poverty, political upheaval, abuse and torture.

Each chapter, which is devoted to a different country, opens with a description of the average child or young adult’s life, followed by statistics and specific prayer points.

“It is our prayer that this book will be a wake-up call to bring the church to a new level of awareness,” Pegues writes, “so that God can use His people as informed intercessors who pray targeted prayers that will bring a new generation of young people out of darkness into his marvelous light.”
Adrienne S. Gaines

Insatiable Longings

My Heart’s Cry
By Anne Graham Lotz, W Publishing,
249 pages, hardback, $21.99.

After 25 years of ministry, Anne Graham Lotz still sends out a heart-cry for more of Jesus, a cry she wants to resonate in our own hearts. A study of the Gospel of
John, My Heart’s Cry leaves no doubt that Jesus longs for us to reach out to Him–not just for salvation from hell but also for intimacy that brings the joy and comfort of eternal life now.

Lotz reveals how to develop such a relationship with Jesus, one in which we want more of His voice in our ears, His tears on our faces, His praise on our lips, His death in our lives, His dirt on our hands, His hope in our grief, His fruit in our service, His love in our homes, His courage in our convictions, His nearness in our loneliness, and His answers to and glory from our prayers.

The urgency of Lotz’s teaching would stand alone, but she gives readers more with relevant glimpses of her own life. She has known, for example, persecution for Jesus’ sake, absence of love in marriage, grief for a son who battled cancer and a brother-in-law as close as a brother whom death took suddenly. We can trust her, for her faith has been tried and strengthened through adversity.

The Holy Spirit moves through the pages of this book. Don’t be surprised to find yourself on your knees before the Lord or staying up late to read your Bible.

Pamela Robinson

A Cure for Cancer

The Coming Cancer Cure
By Dr. Francisco Contreras,
Siloam Press, 197 pages, hardcover, $19.99.

Cited as “today’s most feared disease,” cancer has historically been an enigmatic disease in the medical community, with treatments consistently making the patient as ill, if not more ill, than the disease would without intervention. In The Coming Cancer Cure, author Dr. Francisco Contreras, a leading oncologist, follows in the footsteps of his father, unlocking the code both in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Giving historical background of cancer research, Contreras paves the way to understanding the disease and its current and future remedies in layman’s terms. Emphasizing the need to view cancer as “systematic and metabolic” rather than simply as a “tumor,” he explains the paradigm shift in cancer research and the hope of a forthcoming cure. Additionally, touching on both diet and lifestyle, Contreras paints a detailed picture of a life of prevention and how lifestyle choices directly affect health. He also exposes environmental hazards for which we must accept blame and begin combating with corrective measures.

This book provides detailed information for anyone who has been touched by cancer or wants to prevent the disease. What makes this book a standout, however, is Contreras’ godly perspective on this disease. The Coming Cancer Cure offers the truth of prevention, confidence of understanding and hope of the cure–all spoken from a voice of experience, education and empathy.
Heather Hargis

Fighting AIDS

The aWAKE Project
By Jenny Eaton and Kate Etue, editors,
304 pages, W Publishing, paperback, $14.99.

The statistics alone are staggering: 13 million children orphaned by AIDS, a number expected to climb to 40 million by 2010; 5,500 dead daily, with a death toll of 68 million by 2020. But there’s another figure some may find equally shocking–3 percent. That’s the percentage of evangelical Christians who say they care enough to help fund ministries working among African AIDS orphans.

The findings of this study conducted by World Vision, coupled with the enormity of the AIDS pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa, has led W Publishing to produce The aWAKE Project: Uniting Against the African AIDS Crisis. The book is a compilation of essays and informative articles designed to raise awareness among Christians about the epidemic. Divided into three parts–awareness, knowledge and engagement–the book has a diverse list of contributors including U2’s Bono, Tony Campolo, Nelson Mandela, Franklin Graham and President Bush.

“Once you communicate the stories and the statistics–that the No. 1 means of transmission is from mother to child…that six of seven children with AIDS in Africa are girls who have been raped–[Christians] begin to change their minds,” says project co-editor Kate Etue. “Perspective changes from an attitude that this is ‘God’s judgment for a heathen lifestyle’ to an attitude of compassion. And that’s our goal.”

The book’s detailed engagement section explains a variety of ways individuals and churches can get involved, and a portion of the proceeds will benefit World Vision and Jubilee 2000. Within a month of its release, W Publishing had received $17,000.
Adrienne S. Gaines


Urban Praise Party

Lost and Found
By Deitrick Haddon, Verity.

Though new to Verity Records, Deitrick Haddon is no newcomer to gospel music. His innovative musicianship and passionate lyrics have made him a staple among contemporary gospel listeners for years. His latest release, Lost and Found, follows in the tradition of previous hits as he serves up an urban contemporary praise party.

Not straying from the formula that has served him well in the past, Haddon combines old-school beats with popular contemporary sounds to create the unique sound that has characterized his music from the beginning. Haddon wrote all the cuts and invited a few guests–Fred Hammond and rapper BB Jay on “Oh Yeah,” pastor Donnie McClurkin on “Stand Still” and his wife, Damita, on “This Happiness.”

Among the album’s highlights is a worship medley featuring “Joy of the Lord” and “Oh the Glory,” which captures a raw intensity that will likely inspire listeners to take time out for worship. In addition, the emotion-filled “Sinner’s Prayer,” and the poignant “After While” also are compelling.

For those who like their gospel with an edge, or who want to bask in God’s presence, this project has it all. Haddon’s passion for God has always been evident in his music, and this release is no exception. Once again, he has put together a wonderful project with a message that is relevant to believers of all ages.
Brittney N. Elston

Children’s Classics

A New Song
By Jasmine, Zadok Records.

A New Song, the first release by 8-year-old singer Jasmine García, features 10 popular traditional children’s worship songs that will bless listeners and encourage Christian values. This production presents timeless tunes reminiscent of a simpler time and place.

Along with Jasmine, this recording features some of Latin America’s most respected musicians, including drummer Alvaro López. Each song has been freshly sequenced with up-to-date musical arrangements that Sunday school teachers, parents and children of all ages will love to play again and again. For those who are young at heart, A New Song will bring back all of those favorite childhood Christian songs–such as “Father Abraham,” “If You’re Happy” and “I’m in the Lord’s Army”–that have been sung for decades and loved for generations.

Jasmine’s youthful voice adds just the right amount of angelic sound that is sure to delight everyone. So gather everyone and join Jasmine as she brings music that is sure to captivate your whole family for years to come. –Sarah Miranda


Guarding the Gates of God’s Kingdom

Pastor Nate Wolf believes there is an under-appreciated resource in the body of Christ whose mission, ironically, is to control the flow of resources into the kingdom. Wolf calls these men and women “gatekeepers,” a reference to the business leaders who stood in prominence at the city gates in biblical times. The modern-day equivalent, Wolf asserts, are business leaders whose primary purpose is to make money in order to funnel it back into ministry.

“[Business leaders] must make a decision that being a Gatekeeper isn’t going to come second place to other business goals,” Wolf writes in The Gatekeepers (Insight Publishing). “Being a Gatekeeper is [their] greatest business success.”

Pastor of Today’s Church in Seattle, Wolf challenges Christians to recognize and validate what he calls “marketplace ministers.” Gospel entrepreneurs, he says, “will bring millions of dollars into the kingdom. Churches should validate, encourage and celebrate the gatekeepers.”

The notion of people being called to business leadership is not new, but Wolf says the current emphasis on marketplace ministers is not simply a means of getting their money. He believes there is an increased evangelistic push and that God is raising up gatekeepers to fund ministry. Wolf hopes his book will help business leaders feel appreciated and educate the rest of the church about this unique call.
Adrienne S. Gaines


From a Mess to a Miracle
By Kimberly Daniels,
Creation House Press,
188 pages, paperback, $13.99.

This hard-hitting sequel to Against All Odds moves Kimberly Daniels’ testimony beyond her transformation from crack addict to pastor, and explores the challenges she faced coming into the church. She exposes the enemy’s traps at work inside the church, and teaches believers how to sharpen their spiritual discernment, destroy strongholds and avoid snakes in the pews.

Quick Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements
By Dr. Helen Pensanti with Barbara Hoffman,
Siloam Press, 237 pages,
paperback, $13.99.

Dr. Helen Pensanti, host of Doctor to Doctor on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, helps unravel the puzzle of vitamins, minerals and supplements in this “mini-encyclopedia.” She helps readers determine which supplements are right for them, and explains which foods carry various vitamins, minerals and nutrients naturally; how much to consume; and possible side effects.

Every Nation in Our Generation
By Rice Broocks,
Creation House Press,
224 pages, paperback, $13.99.

In order for the church to be a light to the nations and transform the culture, Christians must embrace the apostolic mandate. So says author Rice Broocks, pastor of Bethel World Outreach Center in Nashville, Tennessee, and president of Morning Star International, a network of churches and ministries. He writes that the nations have come to Americans’ back door, yet fear and suspicion keep many from reaching out to them. He urges Christians to claim God’s promises in order to reach the world for Christ.

Darwin Under the Microscope
By Dr. James P. Gills and Thomas Woodward, Ph.D.,
Charisma House, 236 pages, paperback, $13.99.

In their vast research of the remarkable complexity within cells, scientists are
facing a startling conclusion: Darwin was wrong. They reason that the complexity under their microscopes had to be the work of an intelligent designer. This book follows their trail of discovery, pitting Darwinism against intelligent design and giving readers the knowledge to engage in this popular debate.

Girl Talk
By Sheri Rose Shepherd,
Siloam Press, 178 pages,
paperback, $12.99.

Author Sheri Rose Shepherd shows female readers how to laugh and enjoy the unique person God made them to be in her latest book Girl Talk. Addressing the self-esteem issues that cause many women to feel lost amid others’ expectations of poise, intellect and beauty, Shepherd, a former Mrs. United States, gives women of all ages the ingredients to accomplish their goals and see success physically, emotionally, relationally and spiritually.

To order these books call (800) 599-5750 or go to

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