Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Richard Roberts, ORU Reach Severance Agreement

Richard Roberts, ORU Reach Severance Agreement
The former ORU president pays past personal expenses, receives salary until next year.
Richard Roberts, ORU Reach Severance Agreement
[11.18.08] Leaders at Oral Roberts University (ORU) decided Friday
to pay its former president Richard Roberts an annual salary of
$223,600 though November 2009.
Details of the severance package included a confirmation that
Roberts had paid ORU $23,179 for personal and travel expenses not
previously billed to or paid by Roberts. The agreement noted payment
included interest because expenses were reportedly incurred prior to
According to ORU, an independent consulting firm the university
selected called Roberts’ compensation “reasonable” and “consistent with
competitive practices.”
Roberts, who had served as ORU’s president since 1993, stepped
down in November 2007 amid allegations that he and his wife, Lindsay,
misspent school funds to finance a lavish lifestyle. They have both
denied wrongdoing.
ORU will recoup expenses incurred following Roberts’ resignation
by reducing his severance pay against the fair market rental value of
housing the Roberts family stayed in prior to moving off campus.

In August, the Tulsa, Okla.-based university began its first full academic year since the scandal last year.
Since his family donated $70 million to ORU last year and
instituted a new shared-governance system along with a board of
trustees, businessman Mart Green has brought “dramatic, sweeping,
campus-wide renovations,” school officials said in a statement.

Ralph Fagin, ORU interim president, said in a statement that the
school appreciates the years Roberts invested and “the mission and
spiritual heritage” his father, Oral, established. “We move forward
with a heightened sense of duty and responsibility to the fruit of this
great university—its students and alumni.” —Paul Steven Ghiringhelli

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