Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Report: 2010 Sees Good, Bad for Family Values


As January 2011 winds down, the last of the 2010 reviews are rolling out. One area that has yet to be addressed is the family values front—until now.

The World Congress of Families News, an international family-values group, just published its list of “The 10 Best and Worst Developments for The Family in 2010.”

“Anyone can draw up a list of 10 best or worse trends. Ours is validated by the Congress’s experience and expertise,” says WCF Managing Director Larry Jacobs. “We’ve been dealing with family issues internationally for the past 14 years. Last year, World Congress of Families was directly involved in fighting same-sex marriage in Mexico City, legalization of marijuana in California and Kenya’s pro-abortion Constitution.”

Among the 10 best developments are the (1) U.S. electing a pro-family House of Representatives, (2) Russian President Dmitry Medvedev beginning discussion of his nation’s demographic crisis, (3) California voters rejecting marijuana legalization, (4) Canadians refusing to legalize euthanasia, and (5) Spain holding huge pro-life rallies challenging expansion of abortion.

Also on the top 10 list are (6) U.K. plans to block children’s access to Internet porn, (7) developing nations rejecting the European Union’s “sexual orientation” mandate, (8) Europe preserving the right of conscience for medical professionals with regards to abortion, (9) Hungary’s new government considering pro-life/pro-marriage constitution and (10) United Nations members rejecting special rapporteur’s recommendations on sexuality education.

But it wasn’t all good news on the family values front. The worst developments for the family included (1) an Ontario court trying to legalize prostitution in Canada, (2) Mexico City instituting same-sex marriage, (3) a new Kenyan Constitution that undermines right to life, (4) Ted Turner calling for worldwide one-child policy, and (5) Hollywood sexualizing teen girls.

Wrapping up the top 10 list of worst developments are (6) high levels of out-of-wedlock birth among less educated in the U.S., (7) the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, (8) Planned Parenthood saying abortion and contraception are economic stimulus, (9) growing anti-Christian bigotry in Europe, and (10) the EU trying for stealth recognition of same-sex marriage.

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