Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth-.-.-.-for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success —Joshua 1:8

God wants strong people. Remember the charge God gave Joshua when he said, “Be strong and of a good courage-.-.-.-neither be thou dismayed” (Josh. 1:9). And then He gave him the charge. If God forecasts anything for you, He will give you the power to carry it through.

So, after He had given Joshua the Word, He said, “Now it will depend upon your living, day and night, meditating on the Word of God.”

“Then thou shalt have good success.” He told Joshua that, in this state of grace, whenever he put his foot down, not to let it slide back, but to put the other foot ready for going forward.

There are some things for certain. First, you will never forget your sins. Second, God has forgotten them. Third, the devil will try to make you remember your sins. The question is, are we going to believe God, the devil, or ourselves? God says our sins are passed, cleansed, gone! You cannot go on with God till you stand on His Word as “cleansed,” with the heart made pure.

Jesus, I believe Thy Word, not mine or the devil’s.
I am cleansed from all my sin by
Thy blood. Hallelujah! Amen.

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