Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Pro-life Lawmaker Demands Apology From Fellow Dem


Florida State Representative Daphne Campbell joined more than two dozen demonstrators outside the Orlando offices of Representative Scott Randolph Tuesday—to demand a public apology from her fellow Democrat.

Campbell has been at the center of a political firestorm since voting for a Republican-sponsored bill that would limit abortions, and she’s not backing down on her pro-life views.

“I’m pro-life and I’m proud to be pro-life because I don’t think anyone should abort any kids,” Campbell told members of the media outside Randolph’s office. “So I stood and spoke about it and I’ll do it again.”

Campbell is referring to her argument for the Ultrasound Bill. When the bill came up for debate and a vote on the floor of the House Chamber on April 21, Campbell, a wife and mother of five children, rose in support of the legislation that requires ultrasounds before abortions. She quoted from the book of Ezekiel and admonished members with the commandment “Thou shalt not kill.” 

Randolph, whose assigned seat is right next to Campbell, started tossing papers on her desk and threw her pen in the trash, angered that a fellow Democrat would support the bill. Campbell and her supporters continue to press for an apology.

?A registered nurse and committed Christian, Campbell says she has heard from many of her church-going constituents urging her to keep up the good fight. Several members of the local clergy stood with Campbell at the protest. Pro-life advocates organized Tuesday’s demonstration.

Campbell told Charisma News she feels Randolph’s attack on her was an attack on all people of faith. “It’s absolutely a sin,” she says. “It’s absolutely unacceptable because people of faith should be accepted no matter what party they are.”

Campbell says the attack on her faith has only strengthened her resolve to speak out on issues concerning the Christian community. What’s more, the episode hasn’t soured Campbell on politics. Despite Randolph’s threats, she plans to run again when her term is up and vows to introduce a pro-life bill of her own during the next legislative session.

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