Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Porn Dangers Subject of Month-Long Awareness Campaign


Be Aware: Porn Harms. That’s the message Morality in Media wants you to get loud and clear during its four-week educational effort that kicks off on Monday.

“Pornography is silently and secretly destroying men, women and children. It is a pandemic ruining lives, marriages and families,” says Patrick Trueman, president of Morality in Media, the leading member of the War On Illegal Pornography Coalition. “Our now pornified society has eroded the cultural norms in America”

As Trueman sees it, the pandemic of harm from pornography demonstrates a critical need for enforcement of current federal laws against illegal hardcore pornography. This harm must end, he says, and that is motive behind the “Be Aware: Porn Harms” campaign.

“Every day we receive messages from the victims of pornography—men caught in the ravages of addiction, women and children raped, women trafficked and made to perform degrading sexual acts on tape, broken families and devastated hearts,” explains Dawn Hawkins, executive director of Morality in Media. 

Each week of the campaign, Morality in Media will focus on a specific harm of pornography: porn addiction, harms to children, increased sexual trafficking and violence against women. Hawkins says there will be over 25 events during the month, from local rallies to webinars to live online conferences via Facebook. Participating groups will provide hundreds of free subscriptions to addiction recovery services and filtering software.

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