Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Pakistani Believers Defy Islamic Rule for Christ

christianity and islam

christianity and islam
Christians working in remote Pakistani
communities are facing extreme pressure, according to a Voice of the Martyrs Canada report.

A believer was handing out gospel literature when a group of
Muslims threatened him to try to get him to stop. In another city, Christians who work in an evangelist’s office are now
under investigation, and authorities are watching their mail.

The notorious blasphemy law also comes into play, imposing
the death penalty on anyone who defames Mohammed, and life in prison for anyone
who defiles the Quran. Many Pakistani Christians have been falsely
accused under this law.

Against this backdrop, Mawii Pudaite with Bibles For The World says, “In recent months, we have
been getting telephone calls and emails with urgent requests for gospels, New
Testaments and Bibles in Urdu language for the people in the country of

A partner, Pastor Sahid, has been receiving Urdu Bibles from
India and distributing them among families who lost everything in the 2010 floods. He’s been begging for more Scripture because
people have been open to Christ. 

Pudaite says they’re beginning to raise the funds to
help. To save money on shipping and
import costs, they’ll print within Pakistan. “We can print and distribute the gospel at 25 cents a copy. The total
cost for 50,000 copies will be $12,500,” he says. “The great benefit is that there’s
Pastor Sahid and his team of evangelists who are on the ground to do the
follow-up and lead individuals and families to Christ.”

Although there is great risk involved in this project, “The
believers there have to be very careful. Despite the many obstacles and
persecution the church is going through, the church continues to grow.”

Pudaite says they’re moving forward, confident in the results
of the project. “We have God’s promise that His Word will not return void, or
without result. It will produce fruit that will abide. Lives will be
transformed for the glory of God.”

BFTW is hoping to raise the funds as soon as possible. In
the meantime, you can pray, give or go. “Pray for revival, spiritual leadership, for
the country of Pakistan and unity among believers.”

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