Open Doors Launches Prayer Camapaign During Ramadan

With the start of the month-long Islamic fast called Ramadan beginning Aug. 1, Open Doors USA is launching a 30-day campaign urging Christians in the
West to pray for persecuted believers in Muslim-dominated

During August most Muslims will
fast from dawn until dusk, seeking to shed their sins through acts of restraint.
They believe this is a time of purification accomplished through good deeds and
self control.

“Ramadan is a
time when Christians are especially isolated in some Muslim-dominated
countries,” says Open Doors USA President/CEO Dr. Carl Moeller. “This is why it
is so important for us to unite in prayer for persecuted Christians throughout
the world. I urge you to use the Open Doors resources to pray for our brothers
and sisters.”

Eight of the
top 10 countries on the Open Doors 2011 World Watch List of the worst
persecutors of Christians have Islamic governments, while 38 of the top 50 on
the list are Muslim-dominated societies. Those eight countries include Iran (2),
Afghanistan (3), Saudi Arabia (4), Somalia (5), Maldives (6), Yemen (7), Iraq
(8) and Uzbekistan (9).

Approximately seven months ago,
protests for reforms began in the country of Tunisia. Egypt, Libya and Syria
soon followed. The movement is called “Arab Spring.” Throughout these “Arab
Spring” protests, some Christians in these countries have faced intensified
persecution, especially in Egypt. The observance of Ramadan could increase
pressure on believers.

Less than two weeks after the end
of Ramadan, Sept. 11 will mark the 10-year anniversary of the Muslim terrorist
attacks against America.

“It is vital that we pray for
Christians and Muslims during this anniversary,” says Michele Miller, Director
of Open Doors USA Ministries. “Prayer has changed the hearts of millions, so it
is also important to pray past the month of Ramadan.”

During Ramadan Open Doors USA will
be sending out daily emails with a story from a Muslim-dominated country, prayer
requests and a call to action. For instance, this is from Day 19 on the Ramadan
Prayer Calendar: “For Takoosh, whose husband was killed by the Iranian
government, Jesus’ command to love her enemies was impossible. Hatred filled her
heart … and then she prayed. From the depths of her heart love poured out
releasing forgiveness.”

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