Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Here are 10 reasons not to tell unbelievers about Christ.

  1. You are more concerned with your own situation than others’ situations.
  2. You don’t care about the “one thing”-The Great Commission-Jesus told us to do.
  3. You don’t believe sharing the gospel is a mandate from God.
  4. You don’t believe that some people plant seeds, others water and God gives the increase.
  5. You don’t believe that the power for being a witness was given to you when you were baptized in the Holy Spirit.
  6. You don’t believe Jesus saves.
  7. You don’t believe Jesus can save anybody-even the most unlikely person.
  8. You don’t believe Jesus can save anyone using you.
  9. You don’t want to incorporate sharing your faith into your normal lifestyle.
  10. FEAR

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