Miraculous Deliverance

Jesus Trumps 18 Hens in Deliverance Story

Sharda’s demonic possession was agonizing. The demon torturing her
wouldn’t allow her to stay in one place, and sometimes Sharda couldn’t
even breathe properly. Although her parents tried many things to free
her from the demonic oppression, they didn’t know how to solve the
problem. Sharda seemed trapped in the clutches of the evil spirit.

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Villager Delivered from Witchcraft

Witchcraft is as common as water in the village where Saroja and her husband live.

villagers practice witchcraft hoping it will give them permanent relief
from the sickness and difficulties that plague their lives. They also
believe worshiping their many gods and goddesses will help them attain a
complete transformation in their bodies, minds and spirits.
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