God’s Unqualified Army: Anyone Can Join

We’re living in a day of what I call the “get by” mentality. What does that mean? It means we are all just trying to get by! We’re not really living because we’ve made up our minds that surviving is enough.

We have become much like Gideon’s army in Judges 8:4, where they were fainting yet pursuing. The constant demands of the day can be exhausting, and so often we show up for church but are nowhere near ready to engage a powerful and awesome God.

I have often said that God does not demand perfection but pursuit! If the devil cannot make you sin, then he will just make you too busy to have a true relationship with God.

This mentality has caused the ones chosen by God to be used in His kingdom to simply ignore His voice or take an easy path. It’s true, though, that it’s much easier to just get by than to decide to rise up and lead. Couple that with the fact that most Christians believe there’s no way God could use them to do His great work and you have an anemic church.

Are You Available?

Usually, the most qualified are the ones who most often feel least qualified. Every person who has ever accepted the challenge to be used of God has at one time or another thought, “Why on earth, God, have You chosen me?” In fact, we really have no right to question whether or not God can use us. Many years ago while spending time in prayer, I heard God say to me, “Pat, every time you doubt whether or not I can use you, it breaks My heart.”

You’re a Survivor

All of Scripture proves that God uses the ones who most likely would not have been picked by man to be on His team of generals. God is calling out to you. He refuses to leave you alone. Your scars are your testimony. The depth of God’s love is most often revealed in the people least likely to be chosen in man’s eyes. If you have been through lots of pain, then you’re a great candidate to bring freedom to others.

Lay Down Your Plans

God is calling each of us to lay down our own plans and agendas for the higher calling. It is through obedience that God is able to transform the nobodies. That means it’s time to draw a line in the sand and walk away from the things that are holding you back. We are called to be empty vessels into which God can place His glory, and we better make sure we allow God to clean up these vessels that we are!

I will conclude with one of my favorite series of quotes that I have seen for years floating around the blogosphere. I have, in fact, shared this at gatherings where I have spoken. I call it “No More Excuses!”

There are excuses why God can’t use you. The next time you think God can’t use you, just look to the Bible to see what he had to work with:

Noah was a drunk (Gen. 9:21).
Isaac was a daydreamer.
Jacob was a liar (Gen. 27).
Moses had a stuttering problem (Ex. 4:10).
Gideon was afraid (Judg. 6).
Rahab was a harlot (Josh. 2:1).
David had an affair and was a murderer (2 Sam. 11:2-4, 14-17).
Elijah was suicidal (1 Kin. 19:4).
Jonah ran from God (Jon. 1:3).
Job went bankrupt (Job 1:21).
Peter denied Christ (Mark 14:71).
The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once (John 4:17-18).
Lazarus was dead (John 11)!

As you can see, all of us have our issues. But God can use the unqualified to do great exploits. Remember, no more excuses!

Pat Schatzline is a leading international evangelist and author. He and his wife, Karen, co-founded Remnant Ministries International. Known for his unique ability to communicate God’s Word with passion, Pat desires to see God’s last day remnant make a stand for truth.

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Evangelist and author Pat Schatzline shows how you can be used by God no matter what your weaknesses through his most recent book, Unqualified: Where You Can Begin to Be Great (Charisma House). You can find his book wherever Christian books are sold or at amazon.com or christianbook.com.

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