Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Christian Leaders Wish Charisma a Happy Anniversary

Steve Strang and the great team at Charisma consistently help the body of Christ navigate the times and seasons we live in. Discerning articles, insightful analysis of current events and a broad spectrum of input from respected leaders—all of these and much more keep Charisma as a must-read for every serious believer.
Robert Stearns
Eagles Wings

There is no doubt in my mind that Charisma magazine has helped change the face of Christendom through print media. Steve and Joy Strang have been courageous pioneers and probably there are few in the body of Christ who either understand or have had to walk in the faith levels that it has taken them to sustain the printing of a magazine for 35 years.

The team that God has gathered together for the task of publishing both a print and now a digital magazine is beyond imagination for most of us. We owe all of them a deep debt of gratitude for walking in such honesty and integrity. They have been willing to be risk-takers while owning up to any way that they have perhaps not had the most current information on various subjects, which few in publishing are either not willing or humble enough to do.

Congratulations on being a voice for us as believers around the world. I personally am grateful to you beyond which words can express.

Dr. Cindy Jacobs
Generals International

Congratulations to Charisma on 35 years of journalistic excellence and for being that singular expression for charismatic and Pentecostal believers. I have shared many years in relationship in various capacities and would like to take the opportunity to convey my deepest appreciation for the role that Charisma has played in this segment of the Christian community.

Bishop T.D. Jakes
Senior Pastor
The Potter’s House of Dallas, Inc.

I don’t know of another publication that has such a wide range of influence. Charisma has been a gift to us all with its presentation of articles, news briefs and editorial insights that keep us abreast of what’s happening in the body of Christ. Happy anniversary, Charisma!

Jane Hansen Hoyt
Aglow International

Charisma magazine exists today as the proverbial dinner table for the Spirit-filled family. This ongoing conversation we call Charisma includes conversations on ministries, trends and news. At the end, the interaction brings us closer to each other and, more important, to our heavenly Father.

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez
National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

When I think of Charisma magazine, I do not think of its massive voice to our nation. Neither do I focus on the way it has brought Pentecostal and charismatic ministries into the mainstream of American Christian life. I view Charisma through the lens of my most serious personal trial.

Four years ago, I was in a very tough moment in my battle with cancer. I was literally at death’s door. I will never forget looking up from my hospital bed (in the world-famous Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore) to see Steve Strang and one of his staff entering my room.

They had not come to sell books, magazines or to conduct an interview. They came at great personal expense simply to pray for me. Steve flew in from Florida because one of his columnists, who had become a friend, lay in need of both Christ and the resurrection power of God. The visit, which lengthened his trip by a day and took him hundreds of miles out of his previously appointed path, tells you a lot about this man’s heart. In fact it shows a servant’s heart filled with compassion.

Charisma is an expression of the heart of this great man. He is a gifted communicator and visionary. Nonetheless he is a behind-the-scenes kind of guy, who delights in finding out who God is using and reporting on the great things that are being done. Steve knows that, like his magazine, he is successful. He understands the strategic nature of his work. On the other hand, he has not let it go to his head. He has never become so big in his own eyes that he cannot serve others.

He has always taken a humble posture of asking what it is that he can do to help. This same spirit permeates the entire ministry staff of Charisma magazine and its offshoot publishing and media businesses. They are here to serve God’s vision, God’s people and God’s purposes in this generation. Because they have been so successful in serving, God has been able to entrust them with an unusual degree of influence.

What makes Charisma great is the inquisitive nature of the team, their recruiting and printing outstanding guest teachers, and their desire to selflessly promote the achievements of others. Ever the consummate businessman, Steve has always produced the magazine with excellence.

Nonetheless, he an team d thehave never forgotten that the magazine is both a business and a ministry birthed from God’s heart.

As a result of their heart attitude and spirit, the ministry of Charisma magazine has broken many barriers over its 35 years. Race, class and denominational obstacles are just a few of the barriers that their team has deftly hurdled while promoting sound biblical teaching and recording the movement of the Holy Spirit both within and outside the United States.

Thank you, Steve, for being a man of God. Thank you, Charisma magazine for being a rock of both inspiration and information. Thank you, Strang Communications for taking the whole gospel to the whole world in the power of the Holy Spirit!

Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr.
Senior Pastor
Hope Christian Church
Chairman, Stand4Marriage DC Coalition


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