Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

NAE Letter Referenced Allah As Biblical God

NAE Letter Referenced Allah As Biblical God
The National Association of Evangelicals leaders backed an apology letter to Muslims for the crusades and acknowledges Allah as the God of the Bible.
NAE Letter Referenced Allah As Biblical God
[01-16-08] Leaders of the National Association of Evangelicals have backed a controversial letter to Muslims that apologizes for the crusades and seems to acknowledge Allah as the God of the Bible.
The collaborative letter, initiated by Yale Divinity School and signed by many liberal Christian leaders, prompted strong reactions from other evangelical leaders.
Albert Mohler, president of Southern Seminary called the act “naiveté that borders on dishonesty.”
Islam expert Patrick Sookhdeo called it a “sell-out” and a “shock.” He urged those who had signed the document to withdraw their names reported.
 “I find it difficult to understand how senior evangelical leaders in the West can join hands with other Christians who actually are betraying the Christian faith and their Christian brothers and sisters in the Muslim world,” he added.

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