Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Missionary Violently Beaten, Children Stoned


Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Sukhwinder Das, who has been
serving in a village for four years, started experiencing serious
opposition a few weeks ago. In the past week the persecution has
escalated into threats and even violence.

On June 4, all the villagers called Sukhwinder to a meeting, where
they tried to force him to abandon his faith in Christ and his ministry.
Sukhwinder refused.

Just a few days ago, the tense situation reached its climax. At 8
p.m. on June 8, the village elders stormed into Sukhwinder’s home and
attacked him, his wife, their three children and his elderly father.
They even hurled stones at the children.

Sukhwinder’s father was beaten until he lost consciousness and suffered serious injuries.

Police arrived while the attackers were brutalizing the family, but
they refused to help. When Sukhwinder went to the police station the
next day to report the incident, the police declined to file a report
against the village elders because no eyewitness would come forward to
make a statement.

Sukhwinder and his family visited a doctor and are receiving treatment.

Sukhwinder would appreciate prayer for God’s protection and comfort
upon his family—especially for his father’s speedy recovery.

He also asked for prayer for . . .

  • God to turn the hearts of the policemen in his favor.
  • someone to give a statement incriminating the attackers.
  • God to change the attitudes of the villagers toward him.

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