Fri. Oct 11th, 2024

Missionary to America Holding Communion in All 50 States

Missionary to America Holding Communion in All 50 States
Healing evangelist Larry Huggins will travel more than 50,000 highway miles this year to serve communion on the steps of the capitol buildings of each U.S. state capital.
Missionary to America Holding Communion in All 50 States
[05.23.08] A healing evangelist who has held crusades across the globe says God called him back to America late last year to spend 2008 serving communion every Saturday morning on the steps of the capitol buildings of each U.S. state capital.
“I believe very literally in the blood of Jesus, it’s not just symbolic,” said Larry Huggins, who launched his Seal America Campaign ( one bitterly cold morning in Madison, Wis., in January. “There is a revelation of Jesus in communion that we’re not grasping sometimes.”
Huggins’ national communion initiative will travel more than 50,000 highway miles this year, culminating Dec. 20 on the steps of the nation’s Capitol in Washington, D.C. He said that so far the gatherings have drawn as little as a handful of people in Charleston, W.Va., to more than 200 in Lansing, Mich.
Though the Tulsa, Okla.-based missionary, who has ministered in nearly 70 nations, said he has no idea what to expect as a final result of the campaign, he is adamant about following what he believes God told him to do.
“I told the Lord: ‘I’ll go no matter what, even if I’m all alone, I’ll show up every Saturday at 11:23 a.m.’” said Huggins, who used the 11th chapter and the 23rd verse of 1 Corinthians, a well-known Scripture on communion, to select a specific time.
“I’m a missionary to America right now; I’m on assignment; I have no quitting sense,” he said. “We will come, rain or shine. We will make no speeches. We will make no demands. We will humble ourselves and plead the blood of the Lamb, for we believe in the mercy of God to forgive, to heal our hearts and to seal our land.”
Huggins said he normally experiences “reverse culture shock” whenever he returns to his homeland because “I come back with the perspective of someone who lives outside America.”
To his awareness, no other such initiative has ever taken place in U.S. history and he believes his obedience in crisscrossing the country could have far-reaching consequences.
“You could call this seat of your pants or led by the Spirit,” he chuckled. “I prefer to call it led by the Spirit. This has been totally different than anything I’ve ever done or that God has asked me to do.
“We Christians are the majority, and as we stand together, the rest of the nation will take notice, and we will all reap the benefits of living in a land that's been sealed by the blood.”
Though a few politicians have participated in the nationwide initiative Huggins said they come as Christians and not as opportunists with political statements. “Everyone’s goal is to apply the blood of Jesus to the capitals and lay our hands on the buildings.
“America is at a crossroads,” he declared. “The solution is in the cup, the blood of Jesus.”
Huggins said he has the support of many leaders, including Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland and Rodney Howard-Browne. The Seal America Campaign held communion in Phoenix last week and will travel to Sacramento, Calif., this weekend.—PAUL STEVEN GHIRINGHELLI

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