Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Missionaries Arrested for Taking Gospel Across Border


When four Gospel for Asia-supported missionaries set out to share the
Good News on March 12, they didn’t know that a few hours later they
would be arrested in a foreign country.

Samarth Tamang, Bijoy Saxena, Stephen Singh and Sushmita Choudhary
embarked at 9 a.m. to preach the gospel in a village in their state.
While they were distributing gospel tracts there, they noticed a nearby
village—across the border, in a neighboring country. Feeling burdened to
reach the people in this country, they went there after finishing their
work in the first village.

They gathered their courage and headed across the border—even though
they knew it would be dangerous. When they arrived, they started handing
out gospel tracts to the villagers.

Some people refused to take them, believing they would be committing a
sin by accepting them. In fact, a few people told them to stop sharing
the Good News or to leave. When the missionaries continued telling
people about the love of Jesus, they called the police.

Ten minutes later, five policemen, ostensibly furious and armed with
guns, arrested the missionaries, ordering them to get in the back of the
police vehicle.

Under Arrest but Not Under Fear
On their way to the police station, the Holy Spirit empowered the team
with His courage, and they felt God’s presence. Remembering God’s Word
gave them strength to face the trials in front of them. Their
hearts filled with satisfaction that they were able to do something for
the glory of Jesus.

“Lord, let Your presence be in the police station before we reach
there so that they may not deal with us harshly,” Choudhary prayed when

God answered her prayer. When they arrived at the police station, the
attitude of the policemen dramatically changed. They treated the
missionaries gently, not saying a single harsh word.

Providentially Protected
The team remained in the police station for approximately three hours as
the policemen asked many questions. The police also summoned some of
the villagers to make statements about the missionaries. All the
witnesses spoke favorably of the team and could say nothing wrong about
their behavior.

However, the police did ask some of the villagers to return the gospel tracts they received, and they also confiscated the rest of the
team’s tracts.

The police transported the missionaries to the district police
station, where they had to wait a long time to see the superintendent of

“Don’t worry; we will all go out of this place rejoicing,” Choudhary encouraged her comrades.

When the superintendent arrived, he began inquiring about many
things. He could find nothing wrong in the missionaries’ actions, but he
promised them the next time they tried to preach the gospel in the
country, they would be locked up in jail.

When the superintendent finished speaking with them, the policemen
courteously dropped the missionaries off at the border, to the team’s
surprise. While they were riding in the vehicle, one of the policemen
actually told them that he had wanted to invite them to his home for
lunch but didn’t for fear of his senior officer.

When the team got out of the vehicle, the policemen waved goodbye to
them. The missionaries knew God had directed the situation for His glory
and their good.

As they reached the gate, they offered a word of thanks to God for how He enabled them to escape from this trial.

The team requests prayers that one day the police officers—and their whole nation—will fully comprehend the love of Jesus.

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