Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Lindsay Lohan Not Willing to Change, Says Prison Minister


Blindsided. That’s how troubled actress Lindsay Lohan said she felt after hearing a judge read off her sentence for violating probation.

Lohan was sentenced to 120 days behind bars, though she plans to appeal. She posted a $75,000 bond on Friday. The “Mean Girls” actress was arrested in February on a grand theft charge for allegedly stealing a $2,500 necklace from a Venice jewelry store.

Although Lohan was shocked, prison minister Marty Angelo wasn’t.

“I am sure it is a sad time for the Lohan family to see Lindsay being hauled off to jail again. My thoughts and prayers are with them,” Angelo told a listener on his bi-weekly radio show. “I think a jail or prison sentence is an excellent tool God uses to get one’s attention when everything else fails to work to voluntarily change out of control behavior. Lindsay Lohan is a perfect example. I think the judge was also wise to sentence Lohan to 480 hours of community service at a downtown women’s center and the Los Angeles County morgue.”

What will it take for Lohan to change? A willing attitude, Angelo says.

Angelo offered to serve Lohan’s jail sentence when she was sentenced in 2007—if she was willing to complete a 12-month Christian faith-based residential treatment program. Lohan, however, did not respond to that, or three similar offers the prison minister made as she continued getting into trouble with the law. As Angelo sees it, Lohan is not yet willing to change.

When the radio listener asked Angelo if he would again offer to serve Lohan’s current jail sentence, he said no: “One can only offer help for so long to a person who does not see their own need to change. I think my four attempts are more than enough. However, I do continue to pray God will do whatever it takes to save Lindsay. I have faith Jesus Christ will ultimately change her life when she is ready.”

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