Is Jesus Marking His Calendar for May 21?

If you only had about a month left on this earth, how would you spend your days?

Project Caravan is traveling around the country offering people this grim message. Backed by Family Radio, Project Caravan launched its first-of-a-kind RV national tract distribution mission last year to proclaim that Judgment Day begins on May 21, 2011.

This week, the doomsday evangelists emerged in Columbus, Ohio. Despite scripture that declares not even Jesus knows the day or the hour of His return, Project Caravan points to Scriptures and offers a mathematical formula that marks May 21 as the end of the age.

“This comes up every so many years,” the Rev. Gary DeLashmutt, a pastor of Xenos Christian Fellowship, an evangelical church based in Westerville, told the Columbus Dispatch. He pointed to “88 Reasons Why Jesus Is Coming Back in 1988” as another time in modern church history when someone tried to predict the Second Coming.

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