Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit. —Ephesians 5:18

When you are intoxicated with the Spirit, the Spirit life flows through the avenues of your mind and the deep perception of the heart with deep throbbings.

You are so filled with the passion of the grace of God, that you are illumined by the power of new wine—the wine of the kingdom, the Holy Ghost—till your whole body is intoxicated.

This is rapture! There is no natural body that can stand the process of this going forth. It will have to leave the body at His coming. But the body will be a preserver to it until the sons of God are marvelously manifested.

This holy new life, this preservative of the Son of God in your human body, this life in you is so after the order of God that it is not ashamed in any way to say you are coming into co-equality with the Father, with the Son, and with the Holy Spirit.

Thank You for allowing my life to be filled with
the preservative of Your Son’s presence
within my human body. Fill and
intoxicate me, O Holy Spirit,
that I might live and move
in Thee. Amen.

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